2017-07-25 14.15.31.jpg

Terms and Conditions Apply #01

Terms and Conditions Apply #01


'Terms and Conditions Apply' was a temporary installation in the well of the Walled Garden at Norton Priory Museum and Gardens.

A brass coin slot was added to a traditionally coopered oak bucket. It was placed at the top of an existing five-metre-deep well in the walled garden at Norton Priory. The bucket was linked via a tube to a Tibetan Singing Bowl at the bottom of the well.

Text on the brass coin slot read: ‘One Coin Per Wish, Terms and Conditions Apply'. There was also a link to a website which listed eleven terms and conditions of making a wish at that particular well.

After inserting a coin into the bucket, wish makers were treated to the sound of the singing bowl resonating from the bottom of the well. Confirmation perhaps that their wish had been granted?

The work was part of Meeting Point2, a year-long project led by contemporary art agency Arts&Heritage that sees artists partner with museums in Yorkshire, the North West and the North East to produce new artworks inspired by the museums and their collections.

Materials - Oak, steel, brass, plastic tube, stainless funnel and a Tibetan Singing Bowl